Configuration Schema

Schema Docs
Type: object

Taskcat configuration file

No Additional Properties

Type: object Default: {"artifact_regions": null, "auth": null, "parameters": null, "posthooks": null, "prehooks": null, "regions": null, "s3_bucket": null, "s3_regional_buckets": null, "tags": null}

General configuration settings.

No Additional Properties

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions where artifacts need to be copied. This helps same region artifact bucket access to resources

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: object

AWS authentication section


    "cn-northwest-1": "china-profile",
    "default": "my-default-profile",
    "us-east-2": "specific-profile-for-us-east-2"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: object

Parameter key-values to pass to CloudFormation, parameters provided in global config take precedence

Type: array

hooks to execute after executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Hook definition

No Additional Properties

Type: object

hook configuration

Type: string

hook type

Type: array

hooks to execute prior to executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: string

Name of S3 bucket to upload project to, if left out a bucket will be auto-generated



Type: boolean

Enable regional auto-buckets.



Type: object

Tags to apply to CloudFormation template


    "CostCenter": "1001"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: object Default: {"artifact_regions": null, "auth": null, "az_blacklist": null, "build_submodules": null, "lambda_source_path": null, "lambda_zip_path": null, "name": null, "org_id": null, "owner": null, "package_lambda": null, "parameters": null, "posthooks": null, "prehooks": null, "regions": null, "role_name": null, "s3_bucket": null, "s3_enable_sig_v2": null, "s3_object_acl": null, "s3_regional_buckets": null, "shorten_stack_name": null, "tags": null, "template": null}

Project specific configuration section

No Additional Properties

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions where artifacts need to be copied. This helps same region artifact bucket access to resources

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: object

AWS authentication section


    "cn-northwest-1": "china-profile",
    "default": "my-default-profile",
    "us-east-2": "specific-profile-for-us-east-2"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: array of string

List of Availablilty Zones ID's to exclude when generating availability zones

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

Availability Zone ID, eg.: 'use1-az1'

Must match regular expression: (afs1-az1|afs1-az2|afs1-az3|ape1-az1|ape1-az2|ape1-az3|apne1-az1|apne1-az2|apne1-az4|apne2-az1|apne2-az2|apne2-az3|apne2-az4|apne3-az1|apne3-az2|apne3-az3|aps1-az1|aps1-az2|aps1-az3|apse1-az1|apse1-az2|apse1-az3|apse2-az1|apse2-az2|apse2-az3|apse3-az1|apse3-az2|apse3-az3|cac1-az1|cac1-az2|cac1-az4|euc1-az1|euc1-az2|euc1-az3|eun1-az1|eun1-az2|eun1-az3|eus1-az1|eus1-az2|eus1-az3|euw1-az1|euw1-az2|euw1-az3|euw2-az1|euw2-az2|euw2-az3|euw3-az1|euw3-az2|euw3-az3|mes1-az1|mes1-az2|mes1-az3|sae1-az1|sae1-az2|sae1-az3|use1-atl1-az1|use1-az1|use1-az2|use1-az3|use1-az4|use1-az5|use1-az6|use1-bos1-az1|use1-chi1-az1|use1-dfw1-az1|use1-iah1-az1|use1-mci1-az1|use1-mia1-az1|use1-msp1-az1|use1-nyc1-az1|use1-phl1-az1|use2-az1|use2-az2|use2-az3|usw1-az1|usw1-az3|usw2-az1|usw2-az2|usw2-az3|usw2-az4|usw2-den1-az1|usw2-las1-az1|usw2-lax1-az1|usw2-lax1-az2|usw2-pdx1-az1|usw2-phx1-az1|usw2-sea1-az1)


Type: boolean

Build Lambda zips recursively for submodules, set to false to disable



Type: string

Path relative to the project root containing Lambda zip files, default is 'lambda_functions/source'



Type: string

Path relative to the project root to place Lambda zip files



Type: string

Project name, used as s3 key prefix when uploading objects

Must match regular expression: ^[a-z0-9-]*$


Type: string

Organization ID to use when launching CFN Stacks. starts with o-. It is found on Organization Settings page

Type: string

email address for project owner (not used at present)



Type: boolean

Package Lambda functions into zips before uploading to s3, set to false to disable



Type: object

Parameter key-values to pass to CloudFormation, parameters provided in global config take precedence

Type: array

hooks to execute after executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array

hooks to execute prior to executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: string

Role name to use when launching CFN Stacks.

Type: string

Name of S3 bucket to upload project to, if left out a bucket will be auto-generated

Must match regular expression: ^[a-z0-9-]*$


Type: boolean

Enable (deprecated) sigv2 access to auto-generated buckets



Type: string Default: "private"

ACL for uploaded s3 objects

Must match regular expression: ^(bucket-owner-full-control|bucket-owner-read|authenticated-read|aws-exec-read|public-read-write|public-read|private)$


Type: boolean

Enable regional auto-buckets.



Type: boolean

Shorten stack names generated for tests, set to true to enable



Type: object

Tags to apply to CloudFormation template


    "CostCenter": "1001"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: string

path to template file relative to the project config file path



Type: object Default: {}

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: object

Test specific configuration section.

No Additional Properties

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions where artifacts need to be copied. This helps same region artifact bucket access to resources

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: object

AWS authentication section


    "cn-northwest-1": "china-profile",
    "default": "my-default-profile",
    "us-east-2": "specific-profile-for-us-east-2"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: array of string

List of Availablilty Zones ID's to exclude when generating availability zones

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

Availability Zone ID, eg.: 'use1-az1'

Must match regular expression: (afs1-az1|afs1-az2|afs1-az3|ape1-az1|ape1-az2|ape1-az3|apne1-az1|apne1-az2|apne1-az4|apne2-az1|apne2-az2|apne2-az3|apne2-az4|apne3-az1|apne3-az2|apne3-az3|aps1-az1|aps1-az2|aps1-az3|apse1-az1|apse1-az2|apse1-az3|apse2-az1|apse2-az2|apse2-az3|apse3-az1|apse3-az2|apse3-az3|cac1-az1|cac1-az2|cac1-az4|euc1-az1|euc1-az2|euc1-az3|eun1-az1|eun1-az2|eun1-az3|eus1-az1|eus1-az2|eus1-az3|euw1-az1|euw1-az2|euw1-az3|euw2-az1|euw2-az2|euw2-az3|euw3-az1|euw3-az2|euw3-az3|mes1-az1|mes1-az2|mes1-az3|sae1-az1|sae1-az2|sae1-az3|use1-atl1-az1|use1-az1|use1-az2|use1-az3|use1-az4|use1-az5|use1-az6|use1-bos1-az1|use1-chi1-az1|use1-dfw1-az1|use1-iah1-az1|use1-mci1-az1|use1-mia1-az1|use1-msp1-az1|use1-nyc1-az1|use1-phl1-az1|use2-az1|use2-az2|use2-az3|usw1-az1|usw1-az3|usw2-az1|usw2-az2|usw2-az3|usw2-az4|usw2-den1-az1|usw2-las1-az1|usw2-lax1-az1|usw2-lax1-az2|usw2-pdx1-az1|usw2-phx1-az1|usw2-sea1-az1)


Type: array

hooks to execute after executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array

hooks to execute prior to executing tests

Each item of this array must be:

Type: array of string

List of AWS regions

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

AWS Region name

Must match regular expression: ^(ap|eu|us|sa|ca|cn|af|me|us-gov)-(central|south|north|east|west|southeast|southwest|northeast|northwest)-[0-9]$


Type: string

Role name to use when launching CFN Stacks.

Type: string

Name of S3 bucket to upload project to, if left out a bucket will be auto-generated

Must match regular expression: ^[a-z0-9-]*$


Type: boolean

Enable regional auto-buckets.



Type: string

Cloudformation Stack Name

Type: string

Prefix to apply to generated CFN Stack Name

Type: string

Suffix to apply to generated CFN Stack Name

Type: object

Tags to apply to CloudFormation template


    "CostCenter": "1001"

Each additional property must conform to the following schema

Type: string

Type: string

path to template file relative to the project config file path

