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AWS Load Balancer Controller.

AWS Load Balancer Controller is a controller to help manage Elastic Load Balancers for a Kubernetes cluster. This Add-on deploys this controller in an Amazon EKS Cluster.


In order to deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller Addon via EKS Blueprints Addons, reference the following parameters under the module.eks_blueprints_addons.

module "eks_blueprints_addons" {

  enable_aws_load_balancer_controller = true
  aws_load_balancer_controller = {
    set = [
        name  = "vpcId"
        value = module.vpc.vpc_id
        name  = "podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable"
        value = 1

Helm Chart customization

It's possible to customize your deployment using the Helm Chart parameters inside the aws_load_balancer_controller configuration block:

  aws_load_balancer_controller = {
    set = [
        name  = "vpcId"
        value = module.vpc.vpc_id
        name  = "podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable"
        value = 1
        name  = "resources.requests.cpu"
        value = 100m
        name  = "resources.requests.memory"
        value = 128Mi

You can find all available Helm Chart parameter values here.


  1. To validate the deployment, check if the aws-load-balancer-controller Pods were created in the kube-system Namespace, as the following example.
kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep aws-load-balancer-controller
NAMESPACE       NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system     aws-load-balancer-controller-6cbdb58654-fvskt   1/1     Running   0          26m
kube-system     aws-load-balancer-controller-6cbdb58654-sc7dk   1/1     Running   0          26m
  1. Create a Kubernetes Ingress, using the alb IngressClass, pointing to an existing Service. In this example we'll use a Service called example-svc.
kubectl create ingress example-ingress --class alb --rule="/*=example-svc:80" \
--annotation \
kubectl get ingress  
NAME                CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                 PORTS   AGE
example-ingress     alb     *   80      4m9s


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