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Amazon EKS Deployment with Agones Gaming Kubernetes Controller

This pattern shows how to deploy and run gaming applications on Amazon EKS using the Agones Kubernetes Controller

Agones is an open source Kubernetes controller that provisions and manages dedicated game server processes within Kubernetes clusters using standard Kubernetes tooling and APIs. This model also allows any matchmaker to interact directly with Agones via the Kubernetes API to provision a dedicated game server

Amazon GameLift enables developers to deploy, operate, and scale dedicated, low-cost servers in the cloud for session-based, multiplayer games. Built on AWS global computing infrastructure, GameLift helps deliver high-performance, high-reliability, low-cost game servers while dynamically scaling your resource usage to meet worldwide player demand. See below for more information on how GameLift FleetIQ can be integrated with Agones deployed on Amazon EKS.

Amazon GameLift FleetIQ optimizes the use of low-cost Spot Instances for cloud-based game hosting with Amazon EC2. With GameLift FleetIQ, you can work directly with your hosting resources in Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling while taking advantage of GameLift optimizations to deliver inexpensive, resilient game hosting for your players and makes the use of low-cost Spot Instances viable for game hosting

This blog walks through the details of deploying EKS Cluster using eksctl and deploy Agones with GameLift FleetIQ.


See here for the prerequisites and steps to deploy this pattern.


  1. Deploy the sample game server

    kubectl create -f
    kubectl get gs
    NAME                       STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                                        AGE
    simple-game-server-7r6jr   Ready   34.243.345.22   7902   11h
  2. Test the sample game server using netcat

    echo -n "UDP test - Hello EKS Blueprints!" | nc -u 34.243.345.22 7902
    Hello EKS Blueprints!
    ACK: Hello EKS Blueprints!


Delete the resources created by the sample game server first:

kubectl -n default delete gs --all || true
terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints_addons" -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target="module.eks" -auto-approve
terraform destroy -auto-approve

See here for more details on cleaning up the resources created.