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Multi-Cluster centralized hub-spoke topology

This tutorial guides you through deploying an Amazon EKS cluster with addons configured via ArgoCD in a Multi-Cluster Hub-Spoke topology, employing the GitOps Bridge Pattern.

This example deploys ArgoCD on the Hub cluster (i.e. management/control-plane cluster). The spoke clusters are registered as remote clusters in the Hub Cluster's ArgoCD The ArgoCD on the Hub Cluster deploys addons and workloads to the spoke clusters

Each spoke cluster gets deployed an app of apps ArgoCD Application with the name workloads-${env}


Before you begin, make sure you have the following command line tools installed:

  • git
  • terraform
  • kubectl
  • argocd

(Optional) Fork the GitOps git repositories

See the appendix section Fork GitOps Repositories for more info on the terraform variables to override.

Deploy the Hub EKS Cluster

Change directory to hub

cd hub

Initialize Terraform and deploy the EKS cluster:

terraform init
terraform apply -target="module.vpc" -auto-approve
terraform apply -target="module.eks" -auto-approve
terraform apply -auto-approve

To retrieve kubectl config, execute the terraform output command:

terraform output -raw configure_kubectl

The expected output will have two lines you run in your terminal

export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/hub-spoke"
aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name getting-started-gitops --alias hub

The first line sets the KUBECONFIG environment variable to a temporary file that includes the cluster name. The second line uses the aws CLI to populate that temporary file with the kubectl configuration. This approach offers the advantage of not altering your existing kubectl context, allowing you to work in other terminal windows without interference.

Deploy ArgoCD Apps of ApplicationSets for Addons

This command verifies the initial ArgoCD installation, ArgoCD will be re-configured when the addons are deployed and configured from git.

kubectl --context hub get all -n argocd
This command creates the application set manifest to deploy the addons.
kubectl --context hub apply -n argocd -f ../hub/bootstrap/addons.yaml
The application sets defined here will then deploy addons to any spoke clusters provisioned later using Terraform

Monitor GitOps Progress for Addons on Hub EKS Cluster

Wait until all the ArgoCD applications' HEALTH STATUS is Healthy. Use Ctrl+C or Cmd+C to exit the watch command. ArgoCD Applications can take a couple of minutes in order to achieve the Healthy status.

kubectl --context hub get applications -n argocd -w

The expected output should look like the following:

NAME                                            SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
addon-in-cluster-argo-cd                        Synced        Healthy
addon-in-cluster-aws-load-balancer-controller   Synced        Healthy
addon-in-cluster-metrics-server                 Synced        Healthy
cluster-addons                                  Synced        Healthy

(Optional) Access ArgoCD

Access to the ArgoCD's UI is completely optional, if you want to do it, run the commands shown in the Terraform output as the example below:

terraform output -raw access_argocd

The expected output should contain the kubectl config followed by kubectl command to retrieve the URL, username, password to login into ArgoCD UI or CLI.

echo "ArgoCD Username: admin"
echo "ArgoCD Password: $(kubectl --context hub get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd --template="{{index .data.password | base64decode}}")"
echo "ArgoCD URL: https://$(kubectl --context hub get svc -n argocd argo-cd-argocd-server -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')"

Deploy the Spoke EKS Cluster

Use the script to create terraform workspace, initialize Terraform, and deploy the EKS clusters:

You may want to create few spoke environments to validate multi-cluster hub spoke to avoid quota limits

cd ../spokes
./ dev
./ staging
./ prod

Each environment uses a Terraform workspace

To retrieve kubectl config, execute the terraform output command:

terraform workspace select dev
terraform output -raw configure_kubectl
terraform workspace select staging
terraform output -raw configure_kubectl
terraform workspace select prod
terraform output -raw configure_kubectl

Verify ArgoCD Cluster Secret for Spokes have the correct IAM Role to be assume by Hub Cluster

for i in dev staging prod ; do echo $i && kubectl --context hub get secret -n argocd spoke-$i --template='{{index .data.config | base64decode}}' ; done

The output have a section awsAuthConfig with the clusterName and the roleARN that has write access to the spoke cluster

  "tlsClientConfig": {
    "insecure": false,
    "caData" : "LS0tL...."
  "awsAuthConfig" : {
    "clusterName": "hub-spoke-dev",
    "roleARN": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/hub-spoke-dev-argocd-spoke"

Verify the Addons on Spoke Clusters

The addons on the spoke clusters are deployed using the Application Sets created on the EKS Hub Cluster. Verify that the addons are ready:

for i in dev staging prod ; do echo $i && kubectl --context $i get deployment -n kube-system ; done

Deploy the sample application to EKS Spoke Clusters

This command will deploy the application using kubectl to all clusters connected to the hub cluster, using the manifest files in ./hub/bootstrap/workloads.yaml.

kubectl --context hub apply -n argocd -f ../hub/bootstrap/workloads.yaml

Monitor GitOps Progress for Workloads from Hub Cluster (run on Hub Cluster context)

Watch until all the Workloads ArgoCD Applications are Healthy

kubectl --context hub get -n argocd applications -w

Wait until the ArgoCD Applications HEALTH STATUS is Healthy. Crl+C to exit the watch command

Verify the Application

Verify that the application configuration is present and the pod is running:

for i in dev staging prod ; do echo $i && kubectl --context $i get all -n workload ; done

Container Metrics

Check the application's CPU and memory metrics:

for i in dev staging prod ; do echo $i && kubectl --context $i top pods -n workload ; done

Destroy the Spoke EKS Clusters

To tear down all the resources and the EKS cluster, run the following command:

./ dev
./ staging
./ prod

Destroy the Hub EKS Clusters

To tear down all the resources and the EKS cluster, run the following command: Destroy Hub Clusters

cd ../hub


Fork GitOps Repositories

To modify the values.yaml file or the helm chart version for addons, you'll need to fork the repository aws-samples/eks-blueprints-add-ons.

After forking, update the following environment variables to point to your forks, replacing the default values.

export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_org=
export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_repo=eks-blueprints-add-ons
export TF_VAR_gitops_addons_revision=main