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Migrate to EKS Blueprints Teams Module

Please consult the docs/v4-to-v5/example directory for reference configurations. If you find a bug, please open an issue with supporting configuration to reproduce.

⚠️ This guide is under active development.

List of backwards incompatible changes


Additional changes







Variable and output changes

  1. Removed variables:


  2. Renamed variables:


  3. Added variables:


  4. Removed outputs:


  5. Renamed outputs:


  6. Added outputs:


Upgrade Migrations

Before - v4.x Example

module "eks_blueprints" {
  source = ""

  # TODO


After - v5.x Example

module "eks_blueprints_teams" {
  source  = "aws-ia/eks-blueprints-teams/aws"
  version = "~> 1.0"

  # TODO


Diff of Before vs After

module "eks_blueprints_teams" {
-  source = ""
+  source  = "aws-ia/eks-blueprints-teams/aws"
+  version = "~> 1.0"

  # TODO

State Move Commands

In conjunction with the changes above, users can elect to move their external capacity provider(s) under this module using the following move command. Command is shown using the values from the example shown above, please update to suit your configuration names:

terraform state mv 'xxx' 'yyy'