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Serverless Amazon EKS Cluster

This pattern demonstrates an Amazon EKS Cluster that utilizes Fargate profiles for a serverless data plane.


See here for the prerequisites and steps to deploy this pattern.


  1. List the nodes in in the cluster; you should see Fargate instances:

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                                STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION    Ready    <none>   25m   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0   Ready    <none>   71s   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0   Ready    <none>   25m   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0    Ready    <none>   25m   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0   Ready    <none>   77s   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0    Ready    <none>   75s   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0    Ready    <none>   25m   v1.26.3-eks-f4dc2c0
  2. List the pods. All the pods should reach a status of Running after approximately 60 seconds:

    kubectl get pods -A
    NAMESPACE       NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    app-2048        app-2048-65bd744dfb-7g9rx                       1/1     Running   0          2m34s
    app-2048        app-2048-65bd744dfb-n1cbm                       1/1     Running   0          2m34s
    app-2048        app-2048-65bd744dfb-z4b6z                       1/1     Running   0          2m34s
    kube-system     aws-load-balancer-controller-6cbdb58654-f1skt   1/1     Running   0          26m
    kube-system     aws-load-balancer-controller-6cbdb58654-sc7dk   1/1     Running   0          26m
    kube-system     coredns-7b7bddbc85-j1bv6                        1/1     Running   0          26m
    kube-system     coredns-7b7bddbc85-rg2zq                        1/1     Running   0          26m
  3. Validate the aws-logging configMap for Fargate Fluentbit was created:

    kubectl -n aws-observability get configmap aws-logging -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
      filters.conf: |
          Name parser
          Match *
          Key_Name log
          Parser regex
          Preserve_Key True
          Reserve_Data True
      flb_log_cw: "true"
      output.conf: |
          Name cloudwatch_logs
          Match *
          region us-west-2
          log_group_name /fargate-serverless/fargate-fluentbit-logs20230509014113352200000006
          log_stream_prefix fargate-logs-
          auto_create_group true
      parsers.conf: |
          Name regex
          Format regex
          Regex ^(?<time>[^ ]+) (?<stream>[^ ]+) (?<logtag>[^ ]+) (?<message>.+)$
          Time_Key time
          Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
          Time_Keep On
          Decode_Field_As json message
    immutable: false
    kind: ConfigMap
      creationTimestamp: "2023-05-08T21:14:52Z"
      name: aws-logging
      namespace: aws-observability
      resourceVersion: "1795"
      uid: d822bcf5-a441-4996-857e-7fb1357bc07e

    You can also validate if the CloudWatch LogGroup was created accordingly, and LogStreams were populated:

    aws logs describe-log-groups \
        --log-group-name-prefix "/fargate-serverless/fargate-fluentbit"
        "logGroups": [
                "logGroupName": "/fargate-serverless/fargate-fluentbit-logs20230509014113352200000006",
                "creationTime": 1683580491652,
                "retentionInDays": 90,
                "metricFilterCount": 0,
                "arn": "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:111222333444:log-group:/fargate-serverless/fargate-fluentbit-logs20230509014113352200000006:*",
                "storedBytes": 0
    aws logs describe-log-streams \
        --log-group-name "/fargate-serverless/fargate-fluentbit-logs20230509014113352200000006" \
        --log-stream-name-prefix fargate-logs --query 'logStreams[].logStreamName'


  1. Create an ingress resource using the AWS load balancer controller deployed, pointing to our application service:

    kubectl get svc -n app-2048
    NAME       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
    app-2048   NodePort   <none>        80:32568/TCP   2m48s
    kubectl -n app-2048 create ingress app-2048 --class alb --rule="/*=app-2048:80" \
    --annotation \
    kubectl -n app-2048 get ingress
    NAME       CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                 PORTS   AGE
    app-2048   alb     *   80      4m9s
  2. Open the browser to access the application via the URL address shown in the last output in the ADDRESS column.

    In our example:


    You might need to wait a few minutes, and then refresh your browser. If your Ingress isn't created after several minutes, then run this command to view the AWS Load Balancer Controller logs:

    kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller


terraform destroy -target="module.eks_blueprints_addons" -auto-approve
terraform destroy -target="module.eks" -auto-approve
terraform destroy -auto-approve

See here for more details on cleaning up the resources created.